The Edge of Summer

A girl falls in love with the sun. Stereoscopic 16mm film with handmade polarized 3D mirror system.

4min 40sec // 2008

Graduate Thesis Screening & Installation

University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA // 2008

Experimental Film Festival Portland

Portland, OR // 2012

Indie Grits Film Festival

Columbia, SC // 2012

Strange Beauty Film Festival

Durham, NC // 2012

UFVA New Media Exhibit/Performance

Columbia College, Chicago, IL // 2012

Ann Arbor Film Festival

Ann Arbor, MI // 2013

Florida Experimental Film/Video Festival

Gainesville, FL // 2013

Iowa Film MaFiA - Contraband Cinema

Atlanta, GA // 2013

Women With Knives Film Tour

Asheville, NC - Columbia, SC - Gainesville, FL - Atlanta, GA - Durham, NC - Athens, OH - Baltimore, MD - Philadelphia, PA - Holyoke, MA - New York City, NY // 2014

BRCC Faculty Art Show

Flat Rock, NC // 2015

Screening History

Multiplane Stereoscopy

This 14’ animation stand was designed to hold multiple layers of silhouette animation at different depths for the stereoscopic film.

All my notes on the process live in my graduate thesis manuscript. I’d recommend building stairs or a more efficient way of getting to the higher levels than climbing the stand like scaffolding. I’d also recommend layers closer together for stereoscopy (and further from the focal plane than the upper levels were).

Handmade Optics

The beam splitter is two mirrors on pivots so you can change the convergence point and align the left and right image. I shot and project the film through the same optical system - only in projection 90degree offset polarizing filters cover the left and right eye image.

Silhouette Animation

Modeled after designs from Lotte Reiniger’s canonical silhouette puppetry text, Shadow Puppets, Shadow Theatres, and Shadow Films, the characters are made from recycled cereal boxes and poster board spray painted black. The backgrounds are made of colored cellophane and acetate, as well as hand painted transparency sheets. The film was shot on color 16mm film and is played with diy double system stereoscopic sound.



